Registration with the Nova Scotia College of Physiotherapists (NSCP) is a simple process and begins by understanding the requirements based on your scenario. Select the scenario in the links to the left which best describes your current professional status for the information and requirements you must meet in order to register with the Nova Scotia College of Physiotherapists.
To apply for registration, all applicants, that have not previously been licensed in Nova Scotia, must create an online account through the “Register now” link in the left-hand margin by selecting "Apply Now", completing the online application form and uploading all required documents to their account.
Applicants that are returning to Nova Scotia and were licensed here after 2018 must reinstate their license through their online registrant portal (login at the "Register now” page).
Applicants that are returning to Nova Scotia and were licensed here before 2018 must create an online account through the “Register now” link in the left-hand margin by selecting "Apply Now", completing the online application form and uploading all required documents to their account.
Once everything required to make a decision (complete application form, required documents [uploaded with online application and/or provided by external party directly to NSCP], and fee(s)) have been received, allow 2-5 business days for processing to be completed.
Refer to Process Steps and Fees and Document Checklist and Registration Guide then Cost Estimator