NSCP is seeking feedback on:
1. The NSCP Board is proposing Administrative Regulations per section 6(2) of the Physiotherapy Act. These are intended to update/replace the General Regulations currently in place. The consultation is open November 10, 2023 - Decemeber 10, 2023. Please provide feedback via email.
NSCP keeps all feedback provided confidential. Individuals names are not connected with specific feedback. NSCP considers all feedback received , even if it is not included in the final outcome.
Posted October 25, 2021
Postponements and cancellation of the PCE clinical component due to the COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant ambiguity for Nova Scotia Resident Physiotherapists on their next steps to fully entering the profession. This is not lost on the board and has and will continue to be a significant consideration as the NSCP continues to meet its public protection mandate.
As requested by the Board during the September 15th, 2021 Board meeting, NSCP staff provided a detailed proposal for an alternative pathway to full Licensure for some residents that wish to apply. The proposal was reviewed during the October 20, 2021 NSCP Board meeting and feedback was provided for staff to incorporate into the process. The NSCP appreciates your continued patience as the alternative process is finalized, approved and resourced. In the interim the NSCP would like to share a few key points and timeframes.
Staff developed the proposal with input from the following stakeholders:
NS Department of Health and Wellness Staff
Active PT sponsors (2 video forum sessions with combined attendance of 12 plus 2 who could not attend but provided input via phone/email communication).
Dalhousie University
NSPA representatives
National Registrar Counterparts
Legal Counsel
The Board is confident that the final process will meet the criteria set during the September 15th Meeting
The process will be an interim measure for some of the affected candidates and be limited to the time that the national competency standard: clinical component is not available to residents. When a national competency standard: clinical component is available, the NSCP will support this standard requirement for full licensure.
The application process will be available to NS Residents who have met the requirements while licensed in Nova Scotia. Residents who meet the minimum month and practice hours while licensed in another Jurisdiction will not qualify to apply until they have completed those requirements in Nova Scotia.
Current and all future applicants must be made aware of the risks of licensure without successful completion of the PCE with regards to labour mobility
Next Steps:
Draft and approval of interim policy (target early November 2021)
Development of detailed process requirements and anticipated timelines (target mid to Late November 2021)
Development of resources for credentialing committee and applicants (Target Nov/Dec 2021)
In the interest of allowing staff and volunteers to focus on finalizing, approving and resourcing the process as expeditiously as possible individual requests for further information/questions related to the process will be accepted and incorporated into future communications, however, we will not be able to respond on an individual basis.
Please note that all communication to staff, Board members and volunteers must be professional and made to appropriate parties through the appropriate channels. Individual Board members should not be contacted through social media or through personal channels, as that is not an appropriate nor professional means of correspondence. Correspondence related to processes, administration and communication matters should be directed to the appropriate staff member or to office@nsphysio.com where it will be directed to the appropriate party. The Board of Directors speaks as one voice on College matters and when an individual Board member is contacted, they refer the matter to the larger body for discussion.