Public Consultations

The Nova Scotia College of Physiotherapists (NSCP) is seeking feedback on the following proposed Practice Standards.  These Standards have been reviewed and adapted as needed from the Core Standards of Practice for Canadian Physiotherapists (2023), which was updated from the previous iteration in 2016.  These Standards were developed to reflect current and future practice trends and have been adopted nationally.

Your input is invaluable in shaping the standards that guide physiotherapy practice in Nova Scotia.

Please review the proposed NSCP Practice Standards below and respond to this survey by April 30, 2025.

NSCP keeps all feedback provided confidential.  Individuals names are not connected with specific feedback.  

 Proposed NSCP Practice Standards

RFP Digital Practices 2025

The Nova Scotia College of Physiotherapists (NSCP) invites proposals from qualified vendors to update our database and website infrastructure by summer 2025.  NSCP is a relatively small organization operating within a virtual office environment. This project is an important aspect of our ongoing journey to modernize and enhance operational capabilities.  There are 3 distinct but integrated projects we are seeking a vendor to provide: 

  • Database update 
  • Website update 
  • Productivity tools configuration 

This project will be informed by and integrated with 2 concurrent projects: migration to the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA), and migration to the 2022 Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) dataset. With the changes required to meet the needs of an updated Act and Regulations and the new dataset requirements, we have decided to embrace the opportunity for a holistic approach to the update of our digital practices. Please download the RFP for detailed project requirements.

Interim Competency Evaluation Application

The Nova Scotia College of Physiotherapists has developed an Interim Competency Evaluation process that will be utilized whenever a national clinical evaluation is unavailable for a period of 12 months or more. Application resources for the Interim Competency Evaluation process are listed below.  Click on the links to download. 

When, applying please complete all forms in the electronic format provided and submit completed applications via email with supporting documents to Only complete applications including all documents and complete application form will be accepted.

Sponsors and Employers/Managers must send their reports/letters directly to

Sponsor portal and member portal are not monitored for uploaded documents. Please email to inform NSCP if any documents have been uploaded via the portal.

Please complete all forms in the electronic format provided and submit completed applications via email with supporting documents to  Sponsors and Employers/Managers should send their reports/letters independently to the Registrar and include the name of the PT Resident applying. 

Resource  Description
For Applicants
Application Guide Detailed instructions for applicants (PDF)
Paying Fees Fee schedule is available here.  Contact for details on paying the fee. 
Application Form Application form in MSExcel.  
Competency Self Assessment  Self assessment practice review activity focused on the Competency Profile for Physiotherapists in Canada
Self Reflection - Learning Needs Self-reflection assessment on process for identifying learning needs (MSWord)
Self Reflection - Patient Care Self-reflection on patient care experience to submit with chart notes (personal identifiers redacted) (MSWord)
Self Reflection - Professional Self-reflection on professional behaviours (MS Word)
For Sponsors 
Clinical Practice Report Guidelines   Guidelies for completing clinical practice reports
Final Sponsor Report 3-part report including Sponsor Questionairre, Feedback Form and Professional Behaviour Rubric (MSWord)
Chart Audit Tool  Checklist for chart audits
For Employers/Managers 
Directions for letter of support A support letter from the Manager (or Employer if there is no manager) in each of the applicant's practice sites must be provided.  The letter should include a statement regarding potential or realized professional or practice issues along with explanation and resolution.    


I sponsored a resident in the past year but I'm not currently their sponsor. Do they need me to complete the final sponsor report or is it just their current sponsor that completes that form?

In most cases the final report will only be required from the most recent sponsor, since the committee is most interested in current competency. There may be situations where multiple sponsors will need to complete the final report to ensure the committee has the right information to make their decision. If an applicant is unsure they can contact Joan Ross, Registrar at to confirm.

I work for NSH; what is the process for releasing the required chart notes to the committee?

NSH Privacy staff are aware of the Interim Competency Evaluation requirements. Applicants that are employed by NSH will need to email chart requests to with the following information:
  • Requesting Physiotherapy Resident's information:
    • Name
    • NSCP License number
  • Patient's information:
    • First and Last name
    • Health Card Number or Date of Birth (or both is great)
    • Location or Hospital Site where the visit happened
    • Date(s) of assessment, or date range.
    • Include details of records required (initial assessment to discharge and all relevant physiotherapy progress notes/supporting documents).
NSH Privacy office will redact the patient identifiers once they receive the records and will then provide them to the NSCP Registrar.

The estimated turnaround time for the request is approximately 3 weeks depending on workload.

How long will it take to receive a decision on my application through ICE?

The timelines in the ICE policy have been updated to ensure the committee is not impeded in its public protection/interest mandate and to allow for applicants to have realistic expectations of the length of time from submission to response. The policy no longer refers to a 20-business day response time from the time of receiving applications. This arbitrary timeline does not reflect the reality of the process nor the current situation in relation to the number of eligible applicants and anticipated applications. The Committee will move the applications forward as expediently as possible. Timelines for processing applications will be monitored and once reasonable estimates are available, they will be published. This will allow applicants to have realistic expectations of the length of time from submission to response.

Why is a letter from the manager/employer required? Does the Resident see that letter?

The letter of support is intended to provide opportunity for the manager/employer to report on whether or not there were any practice or behaviour issues that may have been reported and/or dealt with internally. The letter is sent directly to teh Registrar to be shared with teh Committee and the Resident does not see it.

Does a Sponsor have to complete and submit practice review forms after submitting the final evaluation report?

Until the committee has made a decision the applicant is still a resident. After submitting the final report the sponsor may pause on the reporting but must continue the sponsor/resident relationship until the committee has communicated a decision on the application.

Once I reach the 1200 hours can I take a break until the 6 months are up?

Practice is meant to be continuous work over a 6 month period to consolidate knowledge and skills. We say "6 month minimum" to acknowledge that there may be a break, such as a medical or parental leave, that may impact meeting all the criteria and that in certain circumstances the 6 month requirement may take longer to fulfil.

Has the eligibility criteria changed? I thought residency was for 12 months? Why change to 6 months?

In February 2023 the 12 month time requirement was decreased to 6 months. This was done based on a review of the applications submitted up to that point. After 6 months there was very little change in sponsor reports, with all observable competencies being noted as met within 6 months.

Welcome Mark McFarland to the BOD

July 8, 2024

NSCP is  pleased to announce Mark McFarland has been acclaimed to the recently vacated board Director position.  Mark is a Dalhousie University graduate and has 31 years experience practicing in a variety of clinical and management settings.   His primary focus has been in private practice, where he continues to provide clinical services and manage the responsibilities of owning a multidisciplinary healthcare centre. 

Mark is passionate about ensuring that the highest standards of practice are upheld stating, “I am a strong advocate for patient-centered care and ethical practice. I believe that our primary responsibility is to the patients we serve, and I am dedicated to upholding the ethical standards that ensure their well-being and trust. My goal is to work with the board to develop policies and initiatives that promote transparency, accountability, and excellence in all aspects of physiotherapy practice.”  

Please join us in welcoming Mark to the NSCP Board.

College Announces Decision Regarding Susan Humphreys

Susan Humphreys, Licence # 1220

On April 21, 2022, the Investigation Committee of the Nova Scotia College of Physiotherapists decided on an interim basis to impose restrictions on Susan Humphreys’ practice, pursuant to section 47(1) of the Physiotherapists Act, SNS 1998, c 22.  

Susan Humphreys’ licence is currently expired. In the event Susan Humphreys applies for renewal of her licence, the interim restrictions will apply. Further, the interim restrictions will remain in effect until they are lifted, superseded, or annulled by the Investigation Committee or the Hearing Committee, as the case may be.

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