Welcome Mark McFarland to the BOD

July 8, 2024

NSCP is  pleased to announce Mark McFarland has been acclaimed to the recently vacated board Director position.  Mark is a Dalhousie University graduate and has 31 years experience practicing in a variety of clinical and management settings.   His primary focus has been in private practice, where he continues to provide clinical services and manage the responsibilities of owning a multidisciplinary healthcare centre. 

Mark is passionate about ensuring that the highest standards of practice are upheld stating, “I am a strong advocate for patient-centered care and ethical practice. I believe that our primary responsibility is to the patients we serve, and I am dedicated to upholding the ethical standards that ensure their well-being and trust. My goal is to work with the board to develop policies and initiatives that promote transparency, accountability, and excellence in all aspects of physiotherapy practice.”  

Please join us in welcoming Mark to the NSCP Board.