Practice Guidelines

A Practice Guideline is the recommended approach to a specific professional task and allows for professional judgement in decision making. A guideline may also elaborate on an existing practice standard.

Current NSCP Guidelines

Authorized Prescription of Plain Radiographs (X-rays) - 2024

This Guideline supports Physiotherapists as authorized prescribers of radiological studies as part of their scope of practice.

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Social Media - 2022

This Guideline will provide clarity on the use of Social Media for professional phys-iotherapists both personally, and in business and practice in Nova Scotia.

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Use, Disclosure and Release of Patient Information - 2021

This Guideline is to assist registrants in understanding the expectations for the using, disclosing and releasing charts/ records. This is key to upholding their responsibilities under the provincial Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) as well as enabling them to uphold their Core Practice Standards.

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Storage, Transfer & Disposal of Records - 2021

This Guideline is to assist registrants in understanding the College expectations for storing, transfer-ring and disposing of patient information, upholding their responsibilities under the provincial Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) as well their professional Core Practice Standards.

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Documentation and Record Keeping - 2021

This Guideline is to assist registrants in understanding the College expectations for the collect-ing and documenting patient information, upholding their responsibilities under the provincial Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) as well their professional Core Practice Standards.

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Advertising Guideline - 2021

This Guideline is to assist members in interpreting sections 42 – 48 of the Registration Regulations to enable them to uphold Core Practice Standard #1 Advertising.

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Pelvic Floor Assessment and Treatment Guideline - 2020

A guideline for Physiotherapists that include pelvic floor assessment and treatment in their practice.

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Setting up a Practice - 2019

This resource is a compilation of information on starting a new practice. The contents of this document are for your consideration but are not to be considered as legal advice. The resources listed are not exhaustive but will start you in the right direction once you have a business plan and are ready to start.

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Employment Guideline - For Employers and Employees - 2019

This resource is a compilation of information for those considering employment as a physiotherapist and for those who are considering hiring a physiotherapist. The contents of this document are taken from the CRA and other websites, for your consideration but are not to be considered legal advice. The resources listed are not exhaustive but will assist you in the decision-making process around employment vs contracting services.

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Evidence-Based Scope of Practice - 2019

A guideline to assist members understanding of the legal scope of practice of Physiotherapy in Nova Scotia and interpreting 4 Core Practice Standards related to Evidence Based Practice:
  • Standard #1 Advertising
  • Standard # 2 Client Assessment, Diagnosis, Interventions
  • Standard # 10 Evidence Informed Practice
  • Standard # 13 Legislative Responsibilities

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Use of Title Guideline - 2019

A guideline that provides further clarity on Use of Title in Nova Scotia.

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Medical Legal Reporting Guideline - 2018

A guideline presented with the intention of directing physiotherapists in the preparation and presentation of legal reports.

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Sponsored Practice Guideline - 2017

A guideline for mentors/supervisors and students/residents. Supplements the practice standard for sponsored practice.

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Professional Boundaries Guideline - 2017

A guideline for managing professional boundaries

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Personal Directives Guideline - 2010

A guideline to assist understanding of the requirements of the Personal Directives Act.

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Personal Health Information Guideline - 2010

A guideline for understanding requirements of the Personal Health Inforamtion Act (PHIA)

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Electronic Health Information (Alliance) - 2009

This guide was produced by the Alliance of Phyiotherapy Regulators for guidance regarding electronic health information.

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Telepractice Guide (Alliance) - 2006

Telepractice or telehealth has been defined as the use of advanced telecommunications technologies to deliver health and healthcare services and exchange health information over geographic, temporal, social and cultural barriers. This guide is a paper produced by the Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators in 2003 and adopted as a guideline by the NSCP in 2006.

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