Portfolio Documents

There are 3 documents that must be current and uploaded to your portfolio.  These can be uploaded by navigating to the 'my portfolio' section of your member profile.  Please upload documents in either MSWord, or PDF formats only.  The 3 documents required are:

  • Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV) - A Resume or CV is a short written description of your education, qualifications, work experience, and sometimes personal interests, which is typically sent to an employer when applying for work.  There are different types of resumes, such as chronological vs. functional, used for different purposes.  What is important for the purposes of the portfolio is that the Resume/CV is a complete and up-to-date summary of your education, qualifications, work experience. 
  • Job Description - A Job Description is documentation that is part of defining the employer/employee or contracted relationship.  It is typically created by the employer when they are in the process of defining their needs prior to advertising a position.  It is often also used as an HR tool for setting expectations, and sometimes will have input from the employee/contractor.  Download this sample job description for examples of the types of things that may be found in a job description.
  • Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) -  A vulnerable sector check is a police information check (criminal record check) plus a check to see if a person has a record suspension (pardon) for sexual offences.  It can only be completed through your local police department.  3rd party criminal background checking services may offer this, but they are not conducting the search, it is completed by the local police department.  NSCP does not partner with 3rd party criminal background checking services, results must be uploaded to your portfolio.  Please note , mybackcheck.com is a popular 3rd party provider that does support some police departments with providing online requests for VSCs.  When uploading VSC results  exported from mybackcheck.com it is important to release the results of the VSC.  You can check your report and if the VSC is listed as "conducted"  you have not released the results yet.

 Visit here for instructions on uploading Vulnerable Sector Checks.