Advisory Statements

Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Imaging - Joint statement (NSCP & MIRTP) - 2023

In this joint statement NSCP and NSCMIRTP provide clarification with respect to the utilization of ultrasound imaging in the practice of physiotherapy.

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Physiotherapists and Radiology Consults - 2023

This Advisory supports the ability of Physiotherapists to order radiological studies as part of their scope of practice. Physiotherapists have the musculoskeletal knowledge, assessment skills and clinical judgement required to either make appropriate referrals for “radiology consult” or to accept the “ability to order” as a delegated medical function.

Updated September 2023 (additional Views added to appendix)

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Oxygen Titration and Physiotherapy - 2022

This advisory addresses the practice of low-flow oxygen titration by physiotherapists during therapeutic sessions.

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Vaccine Hesitancy - 2020

Health professionals in Canada must consistently deliver sound care based on the best evidence available. They must also play a leadership role in helping combat misinformation. It is important that when combating misinformation health professionals only comment on topics within their scope of practice.

Dr. Theresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, issued a statement on March 12, 2019 regarding the measles outbreak and vaccine hesitancy. In this statement, she urged her fellow healthcare provider colleagues to take the time to answer the questions of concerned patients and direct them to credible and reliable sources of information. This includes the provision of science-based advice and options when discussing vaccination with parents, when it is in their scope of practice to do so.

As we prepare for the flu season to arrive, we are reminded that social media influencers have made a significant negative impact on the perception of vaccination in recent years. Despite this, a patient’s trust in their health care provider remains one of the most important predictors of vaccine acceptance.

This advisory is a reminder to all Physiotherapists that commenting on vaccines is not within Physiotherapy scope of practice. Therefore, Physiotherapists must not provide any vaccine information, opinions or advice. Further, care must be taken when engaging in social media activities. Physiotherapists must be aware of their professional responsibilities regarding all online activity. Refer to the 2016 Social Media Advisory for more details on Physiotherapist’s responsibilities related to social media.

Chart and Record Retention - 2018

Billing for Group/Class Sessions - 2017

Cross Border Practice - 2017

Animal Therapy - 2015

Physiotherapy Consultant Role to WCB - 2015

Chart Legibility - 2014

Fees for Accessing Personal Health Information - June 2013

Equipment Calibration - February - 2013

Termination of Treatment - January 2013