New Graduate or IEPT (Credentialled)

New graduates and credentialled internationally educated physiotherapists (IEPTs, trained outside of Canada) looking to apply for registration in Nova Scotia must first contact the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators and apply to complete the national written - Qualifying  exam (QE).

Once you have successfully completed the written exam, and in the absence of an available national clinical competency evaluation exam, you may apply for provisional registration with the NS College of Physiotherapists. You must have an employer and a sponsor and you are then eligible for the restricted  Sponsored Resident license. Following the required Residency, you are eligible to apply for the Interim Competency Evaluation (ICE). (We allow only two attempts at a competency evaluation in the 12 months). After sucessful  completion of the ICE you are eligible for a full practicing license.

 NOTE: Currently the clinical component of the national exam has not been available since June 2020. Only those registered in a Canadian jurisdiction on or after Nov 2019  or who have completed the written exam since that time, are eligible for the ICE process. Please indicate "no" on your registration form for the clinical component registration and proceed with the your registration as usual. (Upload a blank page if needed as supporting document in order to proceed to next section. )

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